Susan Eisen, Author of The Myth of the Million Dollar Dishrag-An Effective and Powerful Plan to Avoid A Family Inheritance Battle After You Die
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Items Most Often Forgotten When Preparing for an Emergency Evacuation
You can’t believe it is happening to you. All over the news are warnings of dangerous weather approaching and the possibility of evacuation of your neighborhood. Suddenly you and your family have to vacate your home and you enter into panic mode trying to gather your most precious belongings and all your basic needs in a short time. Without saying, your family is the most precious thing to consider, and next are your family heirlooms. Everything you own can be replaced later on except your precious family heirlooms. If you haven’t done this already, before you start gathering, take 5 minutes and photograph everything in your house. This will help you remember everything you have left behind in case it gets lost or damaged.
Having a locked box or bag prepared in advance with some of the things (or copies) eliminates you having to gather them together when you are in a hurry. You can buy a small locked box used for cash online, remove the change drawer and fill it with these things or have a locked briefcase or suitcase ready with most of these things already in there. We will call it your “With love box”.
Here is a list of the things most often forgotten to gather in advance to help you be prepared for an emergency:
- Paper documents (or copies)
- Original will
- Original power of attorney
- Original living will
- Stock certificates or last income tax return
- Home, health, car, life, and other insurance policies
- Any other financial documents
- Passport and driver’s license
- Vitamins, medicines, band-aids, rubbing alcohol
- Keys to your house, cars, work, safe deposit box
- Copies of family photographs, albums, other heirloom pieces
- Jewelry – all types (if possible wear the jewelry so it can’t get lost!)
- Back up disks, hard drive, and password book.
- Flashlight, batteries, extra power bank for your phone, charging cords, and a pocket knife if you have one
- A solar or battery emergency radio
- Toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, comb, brush, make up, shampoo etc.
- Underwear, socks, and another pair of shoes
- Whatever clothes will fit in your bag
- Your most precious heirlooms – gifts from parents, grandparents, etc. whatever they are
- Diary, sketchbooks, books to read
- Cash as much as you have (You should have 3 to 6 months living expenses in cash stored in your home at all times)
- Snacks if you have time to gather them – you can order them from Patriot Supply
- Address book if information is not in the phone
Whatever you can do in advance is a step in the right direction. Do it now so you’ll be prepared!